'Tis the Season of Sharing : Miracle Club Online
The Miracle Chase
“If you’re seeking a sign to believe again, The Miracle Chase will open your eyes and heart to the wonder all around you.”
Regina Brett,
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'Tis the Season of Sharing

by Miracle Chasers on 12/02/10

Please share your miracle story...

Comments (3)

1. Carolyn Cowan said on 12/5/10 - 03:24AM
Two years ago, I was diagnosed with a neurofibroma that was wrapped around my spine.I had trouble walking because my left leg was so numb.I started praying for it to go away, because I have had nine surgeries in as many years, and didn't want to go under the knife again.My friend,Ellen, also did a Reiki treatment on me.When I went for a follow up MRI, the tumor was gone.Three doctors at Dartmouth Hospital said thet they had never seen anything like it, but I know that it was my own little miracle. I wanted to buy The Miracle Chase online, but will have to wait as my hubby just got laid off again(why do they always wait to do layoffs before Christmas?) I love this site, because it reminds me of the many miracles that I have encountered in my life. Thanks, and Happy Holidays to everyone out there, Carolyn Cowan, New Hampshire
2. Katie Mahon said on 12/11/10 - 03:05AM
Carolyn, thank you for the inspiration and story! We are so happy you shared the experience of your "own (not so)little miracle." The best of wishes and luck to your husband and to you this Holiday Season and in the New Year. All the best! Katie Mahon
3. Cece Pinheiro said on 2/2/11 - 08:04PM
Although we are now into 2011, it is never too early or late to share. There are so many miracles Io choose from I hardly know where to begin. So i will begin with the understanding that each beginning is some other beginnings end. In 1978 I traveled from Santa Cruz,CA to Willard, OH. I was soon to turn 21.I had been workng in a candel facotry and the factory was moving from California to Ohio. Seemed like a fun opportunity for this 8th generation Californian. Now that is a whole other part of my history, I will tell you about another time. My coworkers Lois, Peggy and Ed and I get in our car and take off for Ohio, we get as far as Arizona, stop at the grand canyon and I see my neighbors from up the street from where I spent my formatable years. We head off in to the sunset, each of us looking for UFO's out the car window and thin about how the world is a lot smaller palce than we originally thought.We finally arrive in Ohio. We get there for the blizzard of 1978. Us Californians didn't know what hit us. We met up with our the other co-worker Norman, who had gotten a 5 bedroom house for us all to rent. Lois hightailed it back to Cali, after 2 weeks. And then there were 4. we soon met a bunch of locals who taught us many beer drinking games and wine drinking games whiskey drinknig games and lastly we graduated to moonshine drinking games. Look out! I soon met Kevin, a quiet, slightly depressed, good looking, cool as a cucumber type. we started dating, he never tried to sleep with me, something that the California boys always tried to do, and pretty successsfully I might add. i had sex for the first time with a boy in the bushes out in front of our Jr. high School when i was 13 years old. this story too will have to wait for another day. Kevin had gone to Vietnam when he was 16 years old. His parents singed for him to go, because you know we weren't in a war, it was just a little foreign conflict. He was back but had some issues. I knew I could help him. He wanted to get married. So we did, both. We moved into his parents hose and things began to turn for the worse fast, he started to flip out and hit me, he woudl hold me up against the wall with his arm across my neck so I could yell or breath, and say how worthless I was. I was isolated and alone. Finally I insisted we get out of Ohio and move to California. We headed across country. i knew this geographic would solve our marriage problems. He began to drink alot more alcohol. We moved to Scotts Valley, CA near where my family lived and got jobs, he as a security guard and i in a Granola Factory. Things deteriorated and one night when he was very drun, and so was i. He beat me up and brused my face gave me a black eye and held my face up to the mirror and said, look at yourself, this is what you are, you are nothing, you are a lesbian. I was shocked. Why would he call me that? we were having sex regularly. i was doing something wrong. But what? I left him and went to my sisters. But soon he was wining and dining me back, and back i went. This time we moved to Mariposa, CA, up by Yosemite, a beautiful place. This was to be a new start. He got some construction work and I stayed home. I got a puppy, I named Rusty and a cat I named Tomasina and a goat named Buddy, they were my companions and my friends in the days to come. Buddy lived in a dog house outside and would come in the house and eat lettuce out of my hand, he was like a dog. One day Kevin came home in a rage and shot my goat in the head in front of me and proceeded to skin him and cook him. Ib the days to come the terror I felt i can only bring myself to tell you now some 30 years later. Kevin turned me into the vietcong, he hid behind the couch, shouting all kinds of disturbing things, he came after me with hate in his heart. Grabbed me beat me, I ran I tried to get away, I made it to the bathroom treid to slam the dorr but he got his foot in, he grabbed my neck and I passed out, when I came to he was rapeing me. I couldn't breath. My mind was racing. I felt numb. He picked me up and threw me down. He then just left. i got myself up, went down the long dark driveway walked down the road about a 1/4 mile to my friend Sues house. She said lets go to my moms. We went to her moms. I told her I passed out and fell. Her mom looked at me and said. "Are you pregnant?" I said "No". But in the days to come I found out I was. I knew I had to leave. I was responsible for another human being. I was a recovering Catholic, I felt that God had abandoned me long ago and the dogma of the Catholic church was not for me any more, it was the old religion of my parents, grandparents, godparents, etc. for generations. It was not for me. So when I got down on my knees in the back yard surrendering to a God I thought did not care for me. I had nothing to loose. I said one simple pray "HELP". This was a miracle. What I heard was the ladies small whispering voice saying, "Get out, go home." I packed Rusty and Tomasina, told Kevin i was leaving. We shook hands and in that instant I knew, I had a spirit living inside of me that had gone through alot to get me to be her mom, and I said goodbye, he said goodbye and he felt it also, this was the end. I went home and arrived on my moms door step 23 years old barefoot and pregnant. When I went inside, there wer my two sisters, Jill 15 and Alicia 19 both pregnant. All 3 of us sat on my moms couch wondering how this came to pass. This too is a story for another day. This too was a miracle. I had a baby daughter Tamara , we call her Tami. I never say nor heard anything from Kevin and Tami is now 30 years old. She is AWESOME! Through a series of miraculos events and alot of hard work, I met Meb and then Joan and they came to my town and gave a miracle chase book reading. they asked people to tell their miracle stories. I talked about my ex husband Kevin, something I had not done out load for 25 years. Most of my personal growth work was done in therapy with a therapist and not in public. not in front of God and everyone, well that is what i did and that night I had a dream, a dream like none I've had before. I dreamt I was sitting on the couch with Kevin and he turned to me and said. " We had some emotional problems, but we are different people now." I woke up and wrote it down so i wouldn't forget. I am set free. this is a miracle. This freedom has been chasing me for quite some time, I thank Meb, Joan and Katie for this freedom, specifically Meb for all your patience and kindness. I love you. Meb you are my better best friend.

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There was Magic in the Air at the Massachusetts Conference for Women - December 8, 2011
The Miracle Chase is a book narrating the 10-year journey of three women friends as they explore and discover faith, friendship and survival together.
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