The Miracle Chase
“If you’re seeking a sign to believe again, The Miracle Chase will open your eyes and heart to the wonder all around you.”
Regina Brett,
author of God Never Blinks: 50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours
Welcome & Thank You for Visiting             
      It has been ten years since The Miracle Chase was first published and during that time we have been astounded at the generosity of spirit that has surrounded us as we shared our miracle stories. So often you opened your soul and shared your own stories of courage, gratitude, forgiveness, faith, hope, and love in return. Joan and Katie have put these remarkable stories into a context of empowering each of us to notice and appreciate the miracles that surround us by becoming more aware, deepening connection with each other, and finding meaning in the defining moments of our lives in The Miracle Collectors, published in 2021. In Meb's heartfelt Foreword to the book, she explains that her commitment to making children across the globe safer took her on a different miracle journey. While our paths continue in new directions, we will always be soul sisters bonded by miracles. 

     We will be continuing to send you monthly inspiration through the new Miracle Collector blogs. And as always, we welcome hearing your thoughts, comments, and especially your miracle stories, so feel free to contact us. 

        Here's to  chasing - and finding - miracles with all you. And, remember, even in difficult times, miracles are there to be found. We hope you join us at our new website
Joan, Katie and Meb       

Original music by Tess Dunn, a talented young performer
who has overcome her own challenges & inspires all of us.
It's About Faith
It's About Friendship
It's About Survival
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The Miracle Chase is also available as an ebook
The Miracle Chase is a book narrating the 10-year miracle journey of three women friends as they explore and discover faith, friendship and survival together.
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